Theme Post 3

I think that cinematography is one of the most complete art forms there is. Cinema is an art form like no other as it can blend together so many others forms of art such as music, photography, painting and literature. It also is one of the most powerful and immersive ways for telling stories. When we are sitting down in the cinema, watching a good movie, we are so lost within the story, that we don’t even realise we are watching a movie, we are just there inside the story. Many times, this stories keep inside our memories for years. In my case I can’t forget about the movie ET that I used to see when I was a child. This movie is about the story of a kid who befriends an alien (E.T) and helps him to come back to his planet. When I was a child I was amazed by the idea of having an alien friend so I have a lots of good memories with this movie which are always pleasant to remember.


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